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Good Morning!

A good few months ago now (more than I thought when I went and actually checked how many!) a very nice lady messaged me and let me know she mentioned me and my shop on her website. She had purchased a tea wallet from me and wanted to share it with her readers. It made me very happy that she was so pleased with it. But once I visited her site, I was bitten by the "need to do this" bug. She had a wonderful place to go for years - sharing her thoughts and her projects.

I wanted to be able to do that too.

When I first started my shop, I was constantly looking for ways to do things better. I would spend forever online pouring through websites looking for ways to do everything to achieve a more professional look. I don't have the best sewing machine (in all fairness, it's a great sewing machine, it has just been used to death), so I need all sorts of tricks to get things accomplished. So that's what I want to share here - all the things I have learned along the way. I figure there must be someone else out there who needs to be a perfectionist, but just doesn't have the time!

So I set about setting it up - and honestly I should have a website on how to start a website. It took me forever! Okay - slight exaggeration. However it did take months. Actual months. But it's done and here it is. It's in the beginning stages, but I'll keep adding things and refining things as I go along.

If you've stopped and read this - thank you! There is a spot on the right hand side there to join this page. And please leave any comments or suggestions you may have!

And thank you Danette for inspiring me to take this on! You can visit Danette here: Danette's Website and here: Danette's Shop. Danette makes beautiful knit and crocheted items and shares beautiful thoughts on family and life and her website.
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  1. Well My Goodness... Look at You Go Girl!
    And Thank You for mentioning me and my shop... so very sweet of you My Friend :-)))


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